Kid Town!!
This just in, the Mayor of Sky View open up an area just for us kids!! She calling it Kid Town!! It is right in town in Sky View. Kid Town has little areas where us kids can rent little cabins that have all the chairs and beds already in dem. The cabins start out at L$35 a week and you get 15 prim allowance. They also has bigger cabins that are L$115 a week with a 50 prim allowance. We would habs to make sure we do all our chores to gets one of these nice cabins.
Right outside the cabins is the Kid Town office or "main house". It is ready to be the home for any kid that may need it.
When you first walks into the main house you see a wall of adoption panels. Panels go for L$10 and are ready to be set up right away. There ish lots of kids out there dat need families so you should definitely checks this out. Now as we walks through the rest of the main house we move onto our next room.
The main house is set up with a fully functional bathroom. It eben is set up for Life2 users. It eben has the dreaded shower for bath time!! AHHHH. RUUUUUN!! LOL. Now time to visit the living rooms.
The living room has furniture set out that is P-K friendly. The couch is also set up for single sits. This would be a great place to get to know your future little boy or little girl or just hang out with all our little friends by the fireplace. Now on to my faborite room in the house.
We now go to the kitchen. YAAAY. Every little boys favorite room. This ish the bestest place to get some cookies and milk.

They also have a dining room in da main house. The table is set up for both, little ones like us, or grown ups like Miss Kira or Miser Nick. They also have it set up with KK RP food so you can actually habs dinner with people. GASP! How awesomesauce ish dat?

They also have a dining room in da main house. The table is set up for both, little ones like us, or grown ups like Miss Kira or Miser Nick. They also have it set up with KK RP food so you can actually habs dinner with people. GASP! How awesomesauce ish dat?
Thanks for reading our first edition of Lil Scoop. I really appreciate you taking the time to read through it. I hope lots of little boys and girls come visit Kid Town and enjoy Sky View County. To visit Kid town follow the limo Kid Town Limo. Until next time, keep your eyes to the sky and watch out for us little people. Sometimes we hard to see. Hugs everyone.
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